CBD Products

Discover premium CBD-infused products crafted with care to provide gentle relief and support for your dogs and cats. From calming treats to soothing balms, each item is meticulously formulated and rigorously tested for purity and potency. Shop now and elevate your pet's wellness.


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Yes, CBD is safe for your pet. We always recommend you consult with your veterinarian first.
Due to regulatory reasons, we cannot claim that our products can treat or cure any condition. However, a lot of our customers use our products to help keep their pet's ailments in check and claim that the products have helped them cope and feel relief, as well as helped to comfort their pets during end-of-life care.
The proper amount of CBD is an art - not a science. Meaning most pet parents will need to play around with the amount of CBD they give your pet until they see the desired effects.
Our CBD products are generally safe to take with medication.We always recommend speaking to your vet about the best way to use it with your pup's medications if you have clinical concerns.
CBD is the non psychoactive part of Cannabis. These products do not contain THC- cannabis’ primary psychoactive component. Our products are 100% natural and non-toxic. It is not possible for your pet to “overdose” using our CBD products. 
The bites and our CBD oil are equally great products. We use the same CBD oil across all of our CBD products so you are getting the same quality across the board. Some pets may just prefer bites over the oil and vice versa.
Our products are all third-party tested to ensure quality and purity. We use organic ingredients that are free of pesticides and mold (mycotoxins), and then the final product is tested for microbials, heavy metals and other chemicals!
CBD oil is a natural oil extracted from the hemp oil plant, which is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species. It comes as broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD oil and used for oil in dogs or CBD edible treats for dogs.
There is typically no difference between human CBD and pet CBD except potency (mg’s of CBD) and possibly added ingredients for taste.
The usual time frame to see results is around 30 minutes to an hour however, the best results come with consistent use. Depending on your pet, the effects could last between four to six hours.