Are seizures in dogs treatable

Yes, seizures in dogs are treatable. Treatment options vary depending on the type and severity of seizures, but can include medications, diet changes, supplements, and dog lifestyle changes. One increasingly popular holistic option pet parents often explore is CBD for their pets including oils, dog cbd bites or chews

In this guide, the Honest Paws team wants to share everything you need to know about dog seizures!

What Is a Dog Seizure?

A dog seizure is a sudden and uncontrollable episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It can cause the entire body to shake, tremble, and convulse. It's know that 2-5% of dogs have seizures.

Here's what you need to know!

Dogs may become uncontrollable during these periods when it comes to performing basic body functions like peeing or defecating. The duration of seizures can range from a few seconds to several minutes, and they can start suddenly or be preceded by a number of other symptoms.

We are aware that dog seizures can cause anxiety and stress in their pet owners. 

During a seizure, your dog may show:

  • Uncontrollable shaking or twitching
  • Stiffness or rigidity
  • Loss of consciousness or awareness
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Changes in breathing or heart rate

Symptoms of Epilepsy in Dogs

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that can affect both humans and animals, including dogs. It is characterized by seizures, characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures can be caused by a variety of things, including a specific genetic predisposition or an inherited trait, as well as other causes like epilepsy linked to aging.

In dogs, epileptic seizures can take three different forms and have unique symptoms with each type:

  • Tremoring, the first form of seizure, is typical in young dogs. The entire body trembles and shakes during these kinds of seizures. Without prior notice, this can persist up to five minutes before ceasing. While your pet is seizing, you can also observe that its eyelids flicker and that it loses control of his or her urination or faeces.

  • Tonic-clonic seizures are a different type of seizure. These seizures can happen abruptly and without any warning signals; they are more severe than tremor-based seizures, and the pet will forcefully clench its jaws together and become stiff for up to two minutes thereafter. Lastly, unlike full-body tonic-clonic or tremoring seizures, partial seizures cause only a portion of the dog's body to convulse rather than the entire body.

  • Certain breeds of dogs, such as the German Shepherd Dog, Border Collie, Boxer, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Labrador Retriever, may be more prone to cluster seizures.

What helps with dog seizures?

When it comes to treating seizures in dogs, there are a variety of treatments available. Some of the most common treatments include medications such as anti-seizure drugs, CBD, diet changes or supplements, and lifestyle modifications.

Medications can help reduce the severity and frequency of seizures but may not be suitable for all pets. Around 70% of dogs can be helped!

Diet changes can also help to reduce the number of episodes experienced by reducing the amount of processed foods and increasing the amount of fresh, healthy foods. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as providing a safe and calming environment can help reduce stress levels and therefore seizure incidents.

What to do when your dog has a seizure?

When your dog has a seizure, it can be a scary and overwhelming experience. However, there are several steps you can take to help your pet through the event and ensure their safety:

  1. First, remain calm. It is important to remember that seizures are not typically dangerous and most dogs will recover quickly from them. If possible, try to time the seizure so you know how long it lasts.
  2. Second, remove any objects or furniture that your dog could injure themselves on during the seizure. Try to keep them away from stairs or other places they could fall off of or get stuck.
  3. Third, make sure your pet is in a comfortable position and not in any danger of overheating or becoming too cold.
  4. Fourth, do not try to restrain your dog as this could cause further distress and potentially make the seizure worse.
  5. Finally, contact your veterinarian for advice and to discuss any further treatments or medications that may be necessary.

Are seizures in dogs treatable?

Absolutely, dogs can be treated for seizures. Depending on the origin and seriousness of your pet's disease, there may be a variety of treatments, including medication, CBD, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and supplements.

A veterinary neurologist who can offer more specialised care may be recommended by your veterinarian in addition. Dog seizures can be treated to lessen their frequency and intensity as well as to enhance your pet's quality of life.

What should I do after my dog has a seizure?

There are various actions you may do to make sure your dog is safe and comfortable after a seizure. Make sure your dog is comfortable and relocate any furniture or anything that they could hurt themselves on during the seizure.

Second, keep a close eye on your pet's respiration and heart rate and alert your veterinarian if anything unusual happens.

Lastly, include any relevant facts in a seizure diary to aid your veterinarian in identifying and treating your pet's condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Seizure: What Is It?

A seizure is an uncontrollable and involuntary electrical disruption in the brain that can manifest as anything from shaking and twitching muscles to loss of consciousness. Seizures might occur quickly with little to no warning or they may be accompanied by behavioural changes including pacing, restlessness, vocalising, or hiding.

What Takes Place in a Seizure

The electrical activity of the brain becomes disordered during a seizure, resulting in an aberrant surge of energy that can harm any area of the body. Physical signs of seizures include shaking, twitching muscles, uncontrollable movements, and total loss of consciousness. Drooling, excessive salivation, fast breathing, and dilated pupils are some other symptoms.

If Your Dog Has a Seizure

It may be terrifying and upsetting to see your dog have a seizure. However, there are a number of actions you may do to protect your pet and assist them through the situation:

What is the prognosis for a pet with epilepsy?

The underlying cause and severity of an animal's epilepsy will determine the prognosis. Most pets with epilepsy may significantly reduce their frequency of seizures and enhance their quality of life with the right care. But, it's crucial to remember that epilepsy is a lifetime illness, and some animals could never fully recover from seizures.

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Essential Reading

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